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Happy 2nd Birthday Evolt
Another year older, another year... wiser?
We've had an exciting year at evolt, and an exciting year in our industry.As the dot com explosion starts to crumble in on itself and companies getripped apart faster than mice in a pirana tank, evolt remains steadfast onits course. Despite all the turmoil around us, we've kept true to that whichevolt was based on: a "community for web developers, promoting the mutualfree exchange of ideas, skills and experiences."Now, that may not sound like much, if we hadn't done anything between lastyear and this one we would've stayed the course also, right? But we haven'tbeen standing still. We have more members on thelist and on the site thanwe've ever had before. We've outgrown our old architecture, redesigned thesite, added a variety of new features and are continually getting closer toa seamless integration between the mailing list (thelist) and the web site.Not a small task by any means. Sometimes I wonder if .djc and others reallyhave day jobs.And what is most important? Not only are people still adding articles andanswering questions, but the level of knowledge and depth of experience inthese responses continues to grow and expand every day. Perhaps I am biasedbut I have yet to find a site that is anywhere near as helpful or as giving.So, again, I say thank you to the evolt community and to all the people whotake the time to answer questions, build new features, or show support fortheir peers. You make the internet a better place to work.